
By: The Costume King

Are you susceptible to seizures? Do you have a problem with flashing lights and crazy techno music? Does the word "rave" send you on a tangent on just how annoying raves are? Well, you can stop reading, than; because this party theme is definitely not for you. The rave party mixes a plethora of seizure-inducing lighting with more techno music that you could shake a fist at! The rave theme gives those otherwise studious "ravers" a place to release all of that pent up energy. If you've never been to a full on rave, this is one thing you must experience.

Setting Up

Space. Space, space, space, and even more space. One cannot emphasize how important space is when it comes to a rave. Seriously, beyond the large number of people that are sure to show up, imagine each guest moving at high speed with seemingly little control over their bodies. Without enough space, you could easily wind up experiencing one of the bloodiest college parties ever.

Rave Party

Setting up for a rave can actually be a fairly expensive endeavor. You will want to fill the space with an abundance of effects, such as strobe lighting, laser lights, fog, spot lights, and anything else that will make lights bounce off of every surface. Raves are mayhem in musical form, and to get that authentic feel, you absolutely need to get creative. If you can, utilize neon and black light activated paints on the walls. If you get a covering for the floor, such as connectible floor mats, you can even throw some paint around there, too. Anything to give the event space the same look and feel that Joel Schumacker gave to Gotham City in Batman: Forever. Not sure what I mean? Google images of that movie. Gotham was one giant rave.

Rave College Party

The second - and really most important part of a rave - is the music. The type of music you will need will have a rhythmic, almost mesmerizing bass. Not quite techno, really; but more along the lines of and electronic compellation of noises that somehow make up music. You can't have a rave without it, so don't even try. It's the heart and soul. The bread and butter. The... well... it's just damn important.

You don't want to provide your guests with alcohol for one main reason - dehydration. If your fellow partiers know anything about raves, they're going to be dancing so feverishly, that they won't want to be bogged down by alcohol. Provide a lot of water and beverages like Gatorade, just so your guests and quench their thirsts and stay on their feet.

Custom Rave

What to Wear?

You can actually have a little fun with this, as there is no "normal" method of dress for a rave. You can dress comfortably, so that you have no problems moving, or you can do it up a little bit to match the more "electronic" tone of the music. Decorate your clothing in glow-in-the-dark or neon tape so that when you move, you're like a human light show. Really want to get into it? Look for one of those light-up shirts that react to music.

Send Us Your Party Photos

If you've thrown a party with this theme, please email us the photos along with your consent to use your photos on our website. We will publish it here.


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