Golf Pros Tennis Hoes
By: The Costume King
There is little that is attractive about what men wear on the green. Loud pants and silly-looking hats do little more than make many golfers' look ridiculous. Paired with the sexy short skirts and tight tops of those female tennis pros, though, and this goofball attire makes for the perfect addition for your next college bash. It's time to pay tribute to the plaid pants with the Golf Pros & Tennis Hoes party.

Setting Up
This the difficult party in getting ready for this bash. How do you represent golf and tennis without literally bringing the sport indoors? For one, you can throw down a small slice of astro-turf, fixate a flag to it, and cut a hole at the base of the flag to represent the 'green'. Give the astro-turf purpose by making it large enough to house the evening's designated dance floor. You could even invest in those small indoor golf practice sets and use them to fuel some sort of drinking game.
To set the tennis mood will be a bit harder than the golf mood seeing as how setting up a tennis court indoors may pose a bit of a space issue. Instead, take a few tennis rackets and mount them on the walls as d'cor. For little accents, cut tennis balls in half and scatter them about, nailing them to the wall to secure them. While it may not be the best representation of tennis, it may even be beneficial to have a ping pong table available. At the very least, your guests will be entertained and may even turn each match into a little drinking game.
Arnold Palmer. Golf fans will recognize the name as a golfing legend. Others may recognize the name as being a simple mixture of equal parts lemonade and iced tea. It stands to reason that this drink should be your signature beverage for the evening. To give the non-alcoholic drink a kick, you can add a splash of vodka, thus transforming it from an Arnold Palmer to a John Daly (another Pro-golfer).
What to Wear?
The golfers of the party could have a lot of fun picking out an outfit for the evening. Pro-golfers have been witnessed wearing anything from khaki pants to ugly plaid sweaters. What will wind up topping this look off will be the flat cap, which happens to be the signature hat for golfers. To ensure they are seen on the green and fairways, golfers will tend to wear brighter and more obnoxious colors. It's an easy look to pull off, so long as you're comfortable enough to be seen in it.
Tennis players, especially those of the female persuasion, have it fairly easy. The internet is a-buzz with places that sell the one and two piece uniforms, most of which are no sleeved and end in a short, ruffled skirt. Roll on a wrist band, strap a sun visor to your head, and tie those tennis shoes up tight and you'll be looking like a professional tennis player in no time.
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