Wild West
By: The Costume King
Yeehaw! Giddy up! Ride �em Cowboy! If these words have ever escaped your lips in the boudoir, then it�s a safe bet that you�re ready for the Wild West college party theme. Throw on your chaps, lace up your boots, and keep your lasso by your side, for you never know who you�re going to want to rope up during this jamboree.

Setting Up
For this theme, you�re going to set the mood with some of the Wild West�s staple plant life. Though you may not want to bring a real cactus into the affair in fear that some drunken fool will try to make out with it, fake cacti and walk clings featuring the dangerous plant can be found on-line in no time. For authenticity, don�t just stick to the stereotypical tall, green Saguaro cacti. The west is littered with colorful cactus plants that could add a little zing to the look of your festivities. Just don�t forget the decorative steer skull, which should really drive home the look of this event.
Where one section of the party will feature the indigenous plant life of the west, you may want to scatter a few hay bales in other rooms / areas for seating. If you�ve got musically inclined friends, either provide them with or having one bring their acoustic guitar to see who can come up with the best wild west folk song about college life. Just make sure you put an end to any line dancing that may take place - these people still need to show their faces around campus.
Your drink menu should include:
- Whiskey
- Good, rustic beers (stick to kegs)
- Jack Daniels liquor
- Bourbon
- Mule Skinner (whiskey and blackberry liquor)
What to Wear?
This should really be a no brainer for the men. Blue jeans, a plain button up shirt, cowboy boots, and the coveted cowboy hat would make up the most basic of wild west costumes. Brave souls can even tack on chaps to their basic cowboy get-up to look like a real bronco buster.
To come off as a real badass, you can add a little flare with a long duster and a vest, especially if you�re going for that �gunman� look. Pistol belts and replica / plastic pistols of that era are fairly easy to find, rounding off the coolest look you can come up with.
The women really get to have more fun with their modes of dress. From something you�d see in the Dukes of Hazard to full on western-styled saloon girl dresses, these wild west gals will be turning the heads of every guy they strut past. Those that don�t mind to go the cheaper route can invest in some Daisy Dukes and a tied off shirt.
Send Us Your Party Photos
If you've thrown a party with this theme, please email us the photos along with your consent to use your photos on our website. We will publish it here.